like-minded people 意味

発音を聞く:   like-minded peopleの例文
  • 同好の人たち; 同じ主義の人たち


  1. yoshimura had no choice but to persuade a small number of like-minded people and left the clan .
  2. in autumn , 2005 , " grandelfino " was founded as a team for producing a student formula car by like-minded people in kit , gathered by its car club members ,
  3. yoshimura made a plan to raise an army for overthrowing the shogunate in yamato province together with like-minded people including keido matsumoto and tesski fujimoto as a vanguard of the imperial visit to yamato .
  4. montblanc was dismissed on october 28 , 1870 , and subsequently established the society of japanese studies (société des études japonaises ) in paris with like-minded people to promote the study of japanese language and japanese culture in france .
    1870年10月28日付けで解任されたモンブランは、その後パリにあって同好の士と共に日本文化研究協会(Société des études japonaises)を作り、フランスにおける日本語・日本文化研究を推進した。



  1. "like(lit)" 意味
  2. "like-minded" 意味
  3. "like-minded friend" 意味
  4. "like-minded housemate" 意味
  5. "like-minded nation" 意味
  6. "like-minded souls" 意味
  7. "like-minded voters" 意味
  8. "like-mindedly" 意味
  9. "like-mindedness" 意味
  10. "like-minded housemate" 意味
  11. "like-minded nation" 意味
  12. "like-minded souls" 意味
  13. "like-minded voters" 意味

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